Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Approaches for Psychological Effects After Kahramanmaraş Centered Earthquakes

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  • İlker DEMİR fztilkerdemir
  • Kezban BAYRAMLAR Prof. Dr



Anxiety, Depression, Earthquake, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Earthquakes and other natural disasters have significantly affected people's lives throughout history. The severity of the natural disaster and the extent of the geography it affects have an important place in the number of people affected. In this respect, the earthquakes that occurred in Turkey's Kahramanmaraş province were felt in a wide area and negatively affected many people. Different negative factors such as loss of life and property, injuries, individuals leaving their place of residence and migrating to other geographies can cause traumatic experiences and psychological problems in individuals. This situation threatens psychological well-being and can cause psychological problems such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) in the short and long term. Studies show that pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches produce positive results for psychological problems other than anxiety, depression and PTSD. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation approaches used in the literature for negative conditions such as anxiety, PTSD and depression include aerobic exercise, high-intensity resistance exercises, breathing exercises and yoga.


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How to Cite

DEMİR , İlker, & BAYRAMLAR, K. (2023). Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Approaches for Psychological Effects After Kahramanmaraş Centered Earthquakes. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(4), 899–904.


