Investigation of the Relationship between Pain, Kinesiophobia, Quality of Life in Patients after Spinal Surgery

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  • İlker DEMİR fztilkerdemir
  • Ramazan PAŞAHAN
  • Bilsev DEMİR



Pain, Kinesiophobia, Spinal Surgery, Quality of Life


Aim: Our research was carried out to examine the relationship between pain, kinesiophobia and quality of life in patients who had undergone spinal surgery.

Materials and Method: The study was conducted as a descriptive and cross-sectional study with 110 patients who had spinal surgery and were hospitalized in the neurosurgery unit of a research and practice hospital in Malatya between October 2022 and November 2023. 'Patient Information Form', 'Visual Analog Scale', 'Tampa Kinesiophobia Scale' and 'SF-36 Short Form' were used as data collection tools in the study.

Results: In the study, the patients' Tampa Kinesiophobia Scale total mean score was 40.73±9.59 and their Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) mean was 4.68±1.79. The average total score of individuals' quality of life sub-dimensions are respectively; physical function 48.90±11.01, social function 36.70±19.62, physical role difficulty 27.04±23.00, emotional role difficulty 20.60±36.70, mental health 63.49±12.42, vitality 58.63±18.42, physical pain 51.97±18.93 and general health perception 51.22. as ±12.41 detected.

Conclusion: A positive significant relationship was found between the VAS average score and the total kinesiophobia score of individuals who had spinal surgery. The correlation coefficient was r: 0.214 (p<0.05). A significant negative relationship was detected between VAS and physical role difficulty and general health perception total score (p<.05). There was also a significant negative relationship between kinesiophobia and vitality and physical pain (p<.05).

Author Biographies

İlker DEMİR , fztilkerdemir






Bilsev DEMİR




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How to Cite

DEMİR , İlker, PAŞAHAN, R., & DEMİR , B. (2024). Investigation of the Relationship between Pain, Kinesiophobia, Quality of Life in Patients after Spinal Surgery. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 9(2), 275–283.


