Violence and It’s Characterics Against Nursing Students in Clinical Practice

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Nursing Students, Clinical Practice, Violence


Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the violence experience of nursing students in the clinical field and other characteristics related to violence.

Methods: The sample of this descriptive study consisted of 165 nursing students. The data were collected using a questionnaire consisting of 35 questions, including sociodemographic and violence-related characteristics. Descriptive statistic and chi-square analysis were used in the evaluation of the data.

Results: 33.3% of the nursing students participating in the study were exposed to violence, The groups most exposed to violence by students are patients (18.2%), relatives (9.7%) and nurses (7.9%). 25.5% of the students stated that they were exposed to emotional violence, 7.9% to verbal and 7.3% to physical violence. While sexual discrimination and bullying is 2.4%, the rate of sexual assault is 1.2%.  24.2% of the students had communication problems, 10.9% other reasons, 5.5% excessive requests of patient relatives, 4.8% patient waiting for a long time, 1.8% staff short age and 1.2% stated that they were exposed to violence due to lack of security. 15.2% of the students stated that they reported violence. Regarding the adequacy of the measures taken to prevent violence against health personnel in the hospital, 10.3% of the students stated that the measures were sufficient.

Conclusion: Nursing students have a high rate of violence in the clinical field. Also, it has been observed that nursing students are exposed to a high rate of emotional and verbal violence and the ways of coping with violence are insufficient. Measures should be taken to eliminate violence against students in the clinical field, and appropriate coping methods should be taught to students.


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How to Cite

NAZİK, F., MUMCU, Şule, KAYA, Z., & OMAÇ SÖNMEZ, M. (2023). Violence and It’s Characterics Against Nursing Students in Clinical Practice. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(2), 302–310.


