Bibliometric Analysis of Telerehabilitation National Article (2013-2022): A Research Article

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Bibliometric Analysis, National Literature, Telerehabilitation


Objective: In this study, it was aimed to make a bibliometric analysis of the articles studied in the national field of telerehabilitation between 01.01.2013 and 31.12.2022.

Materials and Methods: In line with the purpose of the study, in this study, which was based on the inclusion criteria in ULAKBİM TR Index, Google Scholar and DergiPark Academic databases, the bibliometric features of 36 articles were determined by document analysis method.

Results: During the bibliometric analysis, the year of publication of the articles, the number of authors and pages, the field of the journal in which it was published, the type, the number of domestic / foreign citations, the language of publication, the titles of the authors, the institutions where the authors work, and their keywords were analyzed.

Conclusion: In line with the analyzed data, it has been discussed with similar studies. According to the results, national studies on the field of telerehabilitation in Turkey were collected and numerical analysis of the studies was made. Thus, by presenting original, detailed and up-to-date information, attention was drawn to the national literature. In addition, it is thought that this study will provide time savings for researchers and clinicians in future studies by systematically reaching previous studies in the national literature.


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How to Cite

GÜRSAN, K., & BAYAR, K. (2023). Bibliometric Analysis of Telerehabilitation National Article (2013-2022): A Research Article. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(2), 389–398.


