The Relationship between Nurses' Perception of Future Time, Engagement and Intention to Leave Work

Engagement, Future Tense, Intention to Leave, Job, NurseAbstract
Objective: Insecurity and instability, which are seen as a global problem, can cause a change in the perception of future time and a sustainability problem may arise. One of the fields where sustainability is most important is undoubtedly the field of health. The future concerns of nurses, who are indispensable members of health, affect their intention to engage and leave work. However, there is no national study on nurses' perceptions of future time. In our study, we aimed to examine the relationship between nurses' perceptions of future time and their intention to engage in work and quit work, based on the idea that the high turnover rate of experienced and talented nurses will bring along problems in quality patient care, patient and employee safety.
Material and Methods: The population of the study consisted of 576 nurses working in a training and research hospital in Istanbul, and the sample consisted of 271 nurses. Demographic and occupational characteristics form, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, Intention to Leave Work Scale, Future Time Perception Scale were used for data collection in the study. Statistical analysis was performed in IBM SPSS version 23.0
Results: While there is a positive relationship between the speed and breadth sub-dimension of the perception of future time, we have found that there is a negative inverse relationship between the speed sub-dimension and turnover.
Conclusion: We think that the perception of future time will contribute to nurses' intention to engage and leave work from a different perspective. There is a need for multicenter studies on nurses' perception of future time.
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