Experiences of Midwifery Students on the Sense of Belonging in Clinical Settings: A Qualitative Study

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  • Nuray KURT




Belonging, Midwifery, Clinical practice, Qualitative Research


Objective: This study aims to determine the experiences of midwifery senior students on the sense of belonging in clinical settings, and determine the affecting factors.

Methods: The study was conducted using the qualitative research method with 35 midwifery senior students during the spring semester of the 2021-2022 academic year. The data were collected through semi-structured individual interviews. After creating the themes in the research, a content analysis technique was used for the analysis of the data.

Results: The first theme is the meaning of the sense of belonging. The vast majority of students defined belonging as being comfortable in their environment. The second theme is to feel belonging to clinical settings. The students in particular, their sense of belonging was higher in areas such as obstetrics, gynecology, and the delivery room.  The third theme is the factors that improve a sense of belonging in clinical settings. Almost all the students stated that the approach of midwives, nurses, and physicians that instructive, supportive, reassuring, and respectful approaches are a big factor in making them feel that they belong to clinical settings. The fourth theme is the factors that hinder the sense of belonging in clinical settings. The students stated that they were affected by the negative attitudes of nurses and midwives. These include fear of being scolded, not respected, not being valued, ignored, and harsh and judgmental attitudes. The fifth theme is the reflections on the lack of a sense of belonging in clinical settings. Students when they did not feel that they belonged to the clinical setting, that they did not want to continue the internship, that their motivation decreased during the internship, that their learning was adversely affected, and that as a result, they could not provide care for the patients adequately and questioned their professional belonging. The sixth theme is recommendations for improving their belonging in clinical settings. Students want hospital staff, especially nurses and midwives, to have a positive attitude towards them, communicate with them, value them, be instructive and supportive, and see students as part of the team.

Conclusion:  It can be suggested that healthcare team members establish supportive relationships with students, educators encourage students to practice, and make necessary arrangements in clinical settings in line with students' needs.


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How to Cite

ÇELEBİ, E., & KURT , N. (2023). Experiences of Midwifery Students on the Sense of Belonging in Clinical Settings: A Qualitative Study. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(2), 327–338. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7922563


