Determining The Safety Measures That Mothers Take For Home Accidents During The Covid-19 Pandemic Period

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  • Emine BAŞ EBAS
  • Yasemin ATEŞEYAN
  • Zeynep GÜNGÖRMÜŞ



Home accidents, Nursing, Pandemic, Safety measures


Home accidents are an important public health problem, especially for children and the elderly. With the closure of schools and stay-at-home practices due to the COVID-19 pandemic, children are more likely to have home accidents as they have to spend more time at home. In this study, our aim is to determine the safety measures taken by mothers for home accidents and the frequency of home accidents during the pandemic period. The sample of the study consists of 143 mothers who have at least one child in the 0-6 age group. Data were collected through a digital survey to minimize face-to-face interaction due to the COVID-19 pandemic. "Descriptive Information Form" and "Scale for Identification Safety Measures for Home Accidents of Mothers with 0-6 Age Group Children" were used to collect the data.

The data obtained from the research were analyzed with the SPSS 23 program. Descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA test were used to evaluate the data. The mean age of the mothers participating in this study was 34.21±5.23. 83.2% of the mothers were university graduates, 67.8% were working, 88.8% had nuclear family structure, 18.2% were smokers and 45.5% had only one child. 20.3% of mothers reported that their child had a home accident during the pandemic period. The mean age of the children who had a home accident was 2.79±1.26, and 55.2% of them were boys. It was determined that 72.4% of the type of home accidents they had had a fall, and 58.6% of the accident place was a living room/hall. A significant relationship was found between the scale total score average and having a visually impaired child and the child's accident status during the pandemic period (p<0.05). In the study, the mean score of the safety measures taken by the mothers for home accidents was 178.9±13.8, which was above the average. Home accidents are predictable and preventable with the precautions to be taken. For this reason, it is recommended to disseminate the initiatives to increase the awareness and awareness of the people responsible for the care of children, especially parents, for the prevention of accidents.


Keywords: Home accidents, Nursing, Pandemic, Safety measures



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How to Cite

BAŞ, E., ATEŞEYAN, Y., & GÜNGÖRMÜŞ, Z. (2023). Determining The Safety Measures That Mothers Take For Home Accidents During The Covid-19 Pandemic Period. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(3), 596–604.


