The Relationship Between Gender Perception and Entrepreneurship Characteristics in Nursing Students
Gender perception and entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship, gender, gender perception, nursing studentsAbstract
Objectives: The trend in demand for nurses will be toward entrepreneur nurses in the next century. The study aimed to investigate the relationship between gender perception and the entrepreneurship characteristics of nursing faculty students.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted with nursing students. The questionnaire form consisted of sociodemographic characteristics, "The Perception of Gender Scale" and "The University Students Entrepreneurship Scale". The relationship between the scales was tested with the Spearman correlation analysis. The Mann–Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used when comparing the students' sociodemographic variables to scale scores.
Results: The study included 243 students with a mean age of 20.86±1.06 years, with female predominance (88.1%). The Perception of Gender Scale score was calculated to be 103.74±15.52 and, The University Students Entrepreneurship Scale score was calculated to be 140.18±21.48. There was a statistically significant relationship between the Perception of Gender Scale and University Students Entrepreneurship Scale scores (r= 0.392; p=0.001).
Conclusions: The entrepreneurship levels of students increased as their positive attitudes towards gender increased in the study. The students who were men, first class, those who lived with their extended families and those who were born and raised in the eastern regions had a more patriarchal perspective. However, the gender perception of the students who were willing to continue postgraduate education and who were willing to work as academics was more positive and their entrepreneurship levels were higher than others in this study.
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