Opinions of Students Enroll In Pediatric Nursing Course on School Health (Children with Autism Education Center) Internship: A Qualitative Study

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  • Sevda ARSLAN Düzce Üniversitesi
  • Sefa SOBCALI Kocaeli Sağlık ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi
  • Feyza DEMİR BOZKURT Bartın Üniversitesi
  • Esra BAL Kocaeli Devlet Hastanesi




Nursing Students, Pediatrics, School Health, Special Needs Child


Objective: This study was conducted to determine nursing students' thoughts, perceptions, and views about school health practices in special education schools.

Materials and Methods: The sample of the study, which was conducted with the phenomenology design and semi-structured in-depth interview method, which is one of the qualitative research methods, consists of 24 third-year nursing students who accepted to participate in the research within the scope of a Faculty of Health Sciences pediatric nursing course. "Personal Information Form" and semi-structured "Guide Interview Form" were used as data collection tools. In the Guide Interview Forum, open-ended questions are prepared to determine the participants' opinions, thoughts, and perceptions about the school health practice. The primary and sub-themes of the study were created by evaluating the data obtained from the interview using a thematic approach with the qualitative content analysis method.

Results: As a result of the data analysis obtained in the research, three primary and nine sub-themes were determined. The themes created difficulties experienced while providing school health services in special education schools: Concern about the child harming himself and others, students' perception of nursing care for special children more complicated, the contribution of school health practice, being able to communicate with special children when they meet in the clinic, knowing how to give nursing care to children with special needs, being happy to care for children with special needs, better understanding the role of nursing as an educator in school health practice, Students' opinions and suggestions about school health practice in special education schools; making preparations before school health practice, extending the school health practice period, and the necessity of school nurses in special education schools.

Conclusion: Nursing students participate in school health practices in special education schools and improve their ability to provide nursing care and communication to children with special needs, and it is seen that the educational role of nurses is better understood with school health practices. The need and necessity for school nurses in schools has been demonstrated once again.


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How to Cite

ARSLAN, S., SOBCALI, S., DEMİR BOZKURT, F., & BAL, E. (2023). Opinions of Students Enroll In Pediatric Nursing Course on School Health (Children with Autism Education Center) Internship: A Qualitative Study. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(Özel Sayı), 753–761. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8403727


