Determination of Sleep Quality in Pregnant Women with Severe Level Fear of Birth

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  • Tuba UÇAR
  • Çiğdem KARAKAYALI AY Research Asistant



Pregnant women, severe fear of childbirth, sleep quality


Objective: This study was carried out to determine the sleep quality of pregnant women with severe fear of childbirth.

Method: The universe of this cross-sectional study consisted of pregnant women who applied to the pregnant outpatient clinics of a hospital in the east of Turkey for routine follow-up. The sample of the study consisted of 383 pregnant women who volunteered to participate in the study. “Personal Information Form”, “Wijma Birth Expectation/Experience Scale (W-DEQ) Version A (W-DEQ-A)” and “Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)” were used to obtain the data. In addition to descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U test, independent groups t test, one-way analysis of variance and Pearson correlation analysis were used to evaluate the data.

Results: It was determined that the mean age of the pregnant women was 27.42 ± 5.86, according to the W-DEQ-A scale, the mean total score of severe fear level was 76.08±5.50, the mean total clinical fear level score was 97.13±10.32, and the mean total fear of childbirth score was 89,74 ± 13.49. It was determined that the mean PSQI total score in these pregnant women was 10.37 ± 2.87 and the rate of having poor sleep quality was 96.6%. Among the W-DEQ-A sub-dimensions, pregnant women who have severe fear of childbirth a sub-dimension between of PSQI sleep disorder, and pregnant women with clinical fear of childbirth between a sub-dimension of PSQI daytime dysfunction, the PSQI daytime dysfunction sub-dimension and W-DEQ-A total fear of childbirth score between and was found a very weak positive correlation (r= 0.170, p=0.05; r=0.188, p=0.003; r=0.168, p=0.001).

Conclusion: While there was a significant relationship between the sleep disorder sub-dimension of pregnant women with severe fear of childbirth, daytime dysfunction sub-dimension of pregnant women with clinical fear of childbirth, and the total score of fear of childbirth and daytime function sub-dimension, there was a significant correlation between the total score averages of fear of childbirth and sleep quality no relationship was found.


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How to Cite

UÇAR , T., KARAKAYALI AY, Çiğdem, AKSOY DERYA , Y., & KARATAŞ OKYAY, E. (2022). Determination of Sleep Quality in Pregnant Women with Severe Level Fear of Birth. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 7(21), 193–202.


