Optimism and Examination of Life Meaning in the COVID 19 Pandemic

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  • Emine ÖKSÜZ
  • Belgin VAROL




COVID 19, Meaning of Life, Pandemic, Optimism


Objective: This study was made to examine optimism and the meaning of life in individuals during the COVID 19 pandemic.

Methods: The population of the research consists of adult individuals between the ages of 18-65 living in the city center of Ankara. 384 people constituted the sample of the research with 95% confidence level and 5% confidence interval by using a certain population sample calculation. The sample of the study was completed with 399 people. In the survey application, the participants were reached by using Google Forms with the random snowball method. Data were collected using the “Personal Information Form”, “Meaning of Life Scale” and “Optimism Scale”.

Results: The average score of the participants in the "Meaning of Existing Life" sub-dimension was 26.60±5.78, the mean score of the "Meaning of Life Searched" sub-dimension was 22.01±7.65, the total score of the "Sense of Life Scale" was 48.61±8.58, and the mean score of the "Optimism Scale" was 76.72± It was found to be 10.96. It was found that age and working in an income-generating job were effective on the optimism level of individuals (p<0.05), while gender, income level and being diagnosed with COVID 19 did not affect optimism (p≥0.05). Again, in this study, it was determined that individuals' perceptions of the meaning of life changed according to age, education and working status in a job that generates income (p<0.05), while gender, income level and being diagnosed with COVID 19 did not change individuals' perceptions of the meaning of life (p≥0.05).

Conclusion: In this study, which evaluates the meaning of life and optimism in individuals during the pandemic process; participants' perceptions of the meaning of life were found above the medium value, and their levels of optimism were high. As the level of optimism increases, the individual's perception of the meaning of his life also increases positively. It is thought that conducting similar studies in different populations may add to the literature.


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How to Cite

SARIKOÇ, G., ÖKSÜZ, E., & VAROL , B. (2022). Optimism and Examination of Life Meaning in the COVID 19 Pandemic. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 7(21), 184–192. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7393127


