The Relationship Between Intensive Care Nurses's Physical Restraint Practices and Care Behavior
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Caring Behaviors, Physical Detection, NursingAbstract
Physical restraint, which is preferred when patients in intensive care unit are likely to remove their equipment intentionally or unintentionally, is one of the most widely used methods to control safety in critically ill individuals. The nurse should evaluate the complications that may occur due to the applied physical restraint and prevent them with the care she will provide, or try to reduce the complications of the physical restraint effectively and accurately. This research was conducted in analytical cross-sectional type to determine the relationship between physical restraint practices and care behaviors of intensive care nurses. The study was conducted with 115 nurses (N=123) working in the intensive care unit of a Training and Research Hospital affiliated to the Ministry of Health in the city center of Istanbul between 01.04.2021 and 01.07.2021 who agreed to participate in the study. Data; It was collected based on nurses' self-reports using the Individual Characteristics Description Form, the Physical Detection Application and Evaluation Scale, and the Care Behaviors Scale-24. It was found that 87.9% of the nurses were in the 20-29 age group, 81.7% were women, 49.6% had 1-5 years of professional experience. There was a positive middle between the care behavior scale and its sub-dimensions and the Physical Restraint Practice and Evaluation Scale mean score. It was found that there was a significant relationship at a high level (p<0.05), and female nurses' caring behavior scale mean scores were higher than men’s. The research shows that intensive care nurses' physical restraint application and evaluation situations are related to their care behaviors.
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