Determination of the Effect of Music Listening Application on Coping with Stress and Anger Levels in Elderly Living in Nursing Homes

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  • Tuğba SARI yozgat şehir hastanesi
  • Birgül ÖZKAN



Anger Control, Anger Expression, Coping with Stress, Elderly, Music Application


Introduction: The aim of this study was conducted as a pre-test and post-test patterned intervention study to determine the effect of music application on coping with stress and anger expression in elderly individuals living in nursing homes.

Method: The sample of the study consisted of 55 elderly people living in a nursing home in Yozgat. In the study, data were used to collect Coping with Stress Scale, Sociodemographic Data Form and the Trait Anger-Anger Expression Styles Scale (STAI). After the pre-test data were obtained, 10 sessions of listening to music application and then the post-test data were taken. IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0 package program, percentage, frequency, median, number, Mann Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis and Wilcoxon tests were used to for data analysis.

Results: As a result of the comparisons made between the coping with stress sub-dimensions of the elderly who accepted the study showed a significant difference in MUÖ and MUS scores in all sub-dimensions (p <0.001). “optimistic approach”, “seeking social support” and “self-confident approach” scores increased after the application; It was observed that the scores of “submissive approach” and “insecure approach” decreased. When the Trait Anger- Anger Expression Style scale was examined, ıt was determined that the scores of “anger-out”, “trait anger” and “anger-in” decreased after the music application, and there was a significantly increased in the “anger control” scores (p <0.001).

Conclusion: As a result, it can be used in nursing practices in order to benefit from the relaxing effect of regular music application in order to cope with stress, to Show anger expression effectively and toincrease the effectiveness of anger control in the elderly in nursing homes.


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How to Cite

SARI, T., & ÖZKAN , B. (2023). Determination of the Effect of Music Listening Application on Coping with Stress and Anger Levels in Elderly Living in Nursing Homes. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(2), 371–379.


