Management of Nurses in Different Generations

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  • Emel GÜMÜŞ



nursing, nursing management, Generation


For active and sustainable management in health institutions, the personal characteristics and individual differences of the employees in the institution should be taken into account.  It is very important for the success of the managerial process that nurse managers try to understand the individual needs and behaviors of the team members and develop behaviors for the characteristics of the generations they are in. The fact that nurse managers know the employees in their teams well, manage the process by taking into account the characteristics, preferences, expectations of the generations they are in, and especially the way they work, will define the expectations of the employees well and increase their motivation, contribute to important organizational outputs such as organizational belonging, career expectations, teamwork. The purpose of this review is to help nurse managers develop an understanding of generational differences and recognizing the generational characteristics necessary when managing nurses from different generations.


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How to Cite

UYSAL KASAP, E., & GÜMÜŞ, E. (2022). Management of Nurses in Different Generations. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 7(21), 16–21.


