Evaluation of the Levels of Stigma, Depression, Quality Of Life and Social Support of Patients with HIV

Depression, HIV, Social Support, Stigma, Quality of LifeAbstract
Aim: HIV that has affected more than 35 million people worldwide so far is encountered as an important global community health problem. HIV positive individuals can be exposed to stigma depending on several factors. The study was conducted for the purpose of assessing the stigma, quality of life, depression and social support levels of patients with HIV.
Method: The study, planned as a descriptive type, was conducted between May and November 2018, with 40 patients registered to the infection outpatient clinic of a hospital, after obtaining institutional permission and ethics committee approval. Data were collected in an environment comfortable for the patient by using the Patient Identification Form, SF-36 Quality of Life Scale (SF 36 QOLS), Beck Depression Scale (BDS), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), and HIV/AIDS Stigma Scale (HASS). The interviews lasted about 25-30 minutes. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and parametric tests in computer environment.
Results: It was determined that the mean score obtained by the HIV positive individuals from the physical main dimension of the SF-36 QOLS was 77,03±16,66, mental main dimension 66,35±16,48, depression score 9,65±6,26, MPSSS score average 45,75±9,325 and the HASS score average was between 0,01±0,050 and 0,74±0,343. It was determined that there is a relationship between stigma seen in individuals and some sub-dimensions related to depression, social support levels and quality of life.
Conclusion: It was observed that the highest score on the stigma scale in HIV-positive individuals belonged to the negative self-perception sub-dimension, and there was a relationship between quality of life and some sub-dimensions of perceived social support.
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