Protection of the Family No. 6284 and Health Measure Applications of the Law on the Prevention of Violence against Women: Example of Psychiatry Hospital

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  • Cengiz CENGİSİZ
  • Sevgi NEHİR Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi



Domestic Violence, Protective and Preventive Measures, Violence Against Women, Law No. 6284.


Objective: Pursuant to subparagraph (ı) of the first paragraph of the m5 provision of the Law No. 6284; It is possible to take a precautionary decision on "the perpetrator applies to a health institution for examination or treatment and is treated". In order to be able to take a precautionary decision regarding the examination and treatment of the perpetrator, in addition to the fact that the person in question has committed violence, the violent behavior must be caused by a factor that can be eliminated by treating the person. The aim of this study is to evaluate the studies carried out by the Manisa Provincial Health Directorate Mental Health and Diseases Hospital in line with the health measures given by the courts.

Methods: The research is a retrospective study. The universe of the study consisted of all individuals who had an application decided by the court in line with the Health Measure Decisions in accordance with the law 6284 in Manisa Mental Health and Diseases Hospital. The files registered in 2022-2023 were retrospectively reviewed by the researchers. The sample of the study consisted of 60 individual files. Number percent test was used in statistical analysis.

Results: It was determined that 73.3% of the individuals were male, 26.7% were female, 33.3% were single, 20.0% were married, 6.7% had a secondary school education, 6.7% had a high school education, and 15.0% did not work. It was determined that 18.8% of the individuals used psychological violence, 31.3% used psychological and physical violence, and 50.0% applied physical violence. It was determined that the most violent individuals (37.5%) were to their spouses, 21.9% to their families, and 18.8% to their mothers. In this direction, inpatient treatment or outpatient follow-up was recommended to individuals.

Conclusion: In this study, it is thought that the development of the registration and follow-up system is effective by better understanding the importance and necessity of health precautions.


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How to Cite

CENGİSİZ , C., & NEHİR , S. (2023). Protection of the Family No. 6284 and Health Measure Applications of the Law on the Prevention of Violence against Women: Example of Psychiatry Hospital . GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(4), 905–908.


