Experiences of Operating Room Nurse in Turkey with Cables and Connections Used During the Surgery: A Qualitative Study

Operating Room Nursing, Optical Fibers, Patient Safety, SafetyAbstract
Objective: This study was conducted in a qualitative type to examine the experience of operating room nurses on cables and connections in the operating room.
Material and Methods: The study was planned in a descriptive phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research types, based on the 32-item qualitative research reporting consolidated criteria checklist, which serves as a guide for qualitative studies. The sample of the study consists of 15 operating room nurses from seven regions of Turkey, determined by the snowball sampling model. Data were collected visually with Microsoft teams application without any time limitation. The data of the research; Data were collected by demographic characteristics form and semi-structured interview form.
Results: The research was carried out with 15 operating room nurses, whose age range was 28-46 years, 9-28 years of professional experience, and all of them were female. In the study, three main themes in the form of how cable safety is ensured, what are the problems experienced when cable safety is provided and solution suggestions, and three sub-themes as personnel injury and personnel safety, patient injury and patient safety and infection risk were obtained.
Conclusion: In line with the data obtained in this study, it was concluded that the operating room nurses had problems with cables and connections, and the laundry clamp used to detect these connections negatively affected patient and employee safety, together with cables and connections.
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