Care Dependency in Adults with Chronic Diseases

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Care, Care Dependency, Chronic Disease, Nurse


Aim: This study was conducted with the aim of determining the level of care dependency of individuals with chronic diseases.

Material and Method: The research was planned as a descriptive study and was conducted at two different hospitals. Data collection was performed by face-to-face interview between July and September 2022, using a “Participants’ Information Form” and “the Care Dependency Scale”. The research was completed with 127 participants. In the data analysis, descriptive statistics, One-Way Variance Analysis (ANOVA), Independent Samples T test and Pearson Correlation Analysis were used.

Results: The mean age of the participants was 59.74±14.75 years; a majority were female (56.7%), had primary school education (58.3%), and were married (79.5%). It was found that (64.6%) had planned to come to the hospital, and that (89.0%) had been admitted to hospital for medical treatment. The most common chronic disease seen in the participants were cardiovascular diseases (65.4%). The total care dependency score mean of the participants was 69.55±15.26. Care dependency score means were higher in participants who were working (p=0.00), those without children (p=0.04), those who came to the hospital in a planned way (p=0.00) or for examination (p=0.04), and those who did not have cancer (p=0.00) or a neurological illness (p=0.01). The level of care dependency did not differ according to gender, education level, marital status, economic status, the person lived with, the department of the hospital, or the chronic illness (p>0.05). A weak negative correlation was seen between care dependency level and age (r =- 0.30, p<0.01) and the total number of chronic diseases (r =-0.34, p<0.01).

Conclusion: Advanced age and a large number of chronic diseases may increase care dependency. It is recommended that nurses should assess the level of care dependency of individuals with cancer or neurological diseases when planning their care.

Author Biography


I am a 2019 graduate of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, School of Health, Department of Nursing. I have been working as a nurse at Teki̇rdağ Dr. İsmai̇l Fehmi̇ Cumalıoğlu City Hospital for 4 years. I am also a graduate student at Onsekiz Mart University, Department of Nursing. I am in the process of finishing my master's thesis.


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How to Cite

GELEKÇİ , E. Özge, & EFİL , S. (2023). Care Dependency in Adults with Chronic Diseases. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(4), 926–933.


