The Evaluation of the Opinions of the First Year Students Watching the Birth Videos on Birth

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  • Emine Serap ÇAĞAN
  • Rumeysa TAŞKIN
  • Ebru SOLMAZ Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi
  • Kübra TÜRKBEN
  • Buse KAYA



Birth Video, Student, Midwifery


Aims: This study was conducted to evaluate the opinions of first-year midwifery students about birth who watched a birth video as part of the midwifery course.

Materials and Methods: The research is of descriptive type and was conducted between January-February 2023.The population of the research was 49 students studying in the Midwifery Department of a University. The socio-demographic characteristics introduction form was used to collect the data. Videos about the birth mechanism, which are available as open access from the Nucleus Medical Media account on Youtube, were watched by the students. After watching the birth videos, the students were asked to fill in the socio-demographic characteristics questionnaire and write their opinions about their views after watching the birth video. SPSS package program was used in the analysis of the data.

Results: 57.1% of the students stated that they had not watched a birth video before, and 51.0% of them stated that they had not received any information about birth before. While 71.4% of the students stated that they were afraid of birth, 73.5% of the students stated that their views on birth changed positively after watching the video. After watching the birth video, most of the students stated that the profession of midwifery is a sacred profession and that the birth is miraculous, while others stated that they did not feel anything. When they were asked to describe their thoughts in one word, they generally used concepts such as miracle, fear, excitement.

Conclusion: It was observed that the majority of midwifery students had positive thoughts about birth after watching the birth video and thought that it contributed to understanding the sanctity of the midwifery profession.

Author Biographies

Emine Serap ÇAĞAN



Rumeysa TAŞKIN



Ebru SOLMAZ , Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi










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How to Cite

ÇAĞAN , E. S., TAŞKIN, R., SOLMAZ , E., TÜRKBEN , K., & KAYA, B. (2024). The Evaluation of the Opinions of the First Year Students Watching the Birth Videos on Birth. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 9(3), 418–424.




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