Determine the Effect of the Professional Commitment of Nurses Working in Primary and Second Care Institutions on Their Hand Hygiene Beliefs and Hand Hygiene Practices

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Belief, Hand Hygiene, Hand Hygiene Practice, Nurse, Professional Commitment


Objective: This study aimed to determine the professional commitment of nurses working in Primary and Secondary Health Institutions; It was planned to determine the effect of hand hygiene belief and hand hygiene practices.

Method: The descriptor was made in cross-sectional type. Personal Information Form, Nurses' Professional Commitment Scale, Hand Hygiene Belief Scale and Hand Hygiene Practice Inventory were used as data collection tools in the study. In the analysis of the data, t test and Mann Way Anova test, correlation and linear regression analysis were applied in independent groups.

Results: Nurses got 72.54±11.73 points from the Professional Commitment Scale, 80.17±11.14 points from the Hand Hygiene Belief Scale and 62.12±10.48 points from the Hand Hygiene Practice Inventory. Positive and weak relationship between nurses' hand hygiene beliefs scale and professional commitment scale and the scale's willingness to exert effort, goals and values belief sub-dimensions; A very weak relationship was found with the sub-dimension of maintaining professional membership (p<.001). There is a very weak negative relationship between nurses' hand hygiene practice inventory and the scale of commitment to the profession and the sub-dimension of maintaining professional membership; A weak positive correlation was found with the hand hygiene belief scale (p<.001). The level of professional commitment of nurses explains 6% of hand hygiene beliefs and 2% of hand hygiene practice levels (p<0.001).

Conclusion: As a result of the study, a statistical relationship was found between the level of professional commitment of nurses and their hand hygiene beliefs and practices. At the same time, the level of professional commitment of nurses significantly predicts their hand hygiene beliefs and hand hygiene practices. Suggestions were made in line with the results.


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How to Cite

İNCİRKUŞ KÜÇÜK, H., ÇEVİRME , A., & GÖKÇAY , G. (2023). Determine the Effect of the Professional Commitment of Nurses Working in Primary and Second Care Institutions on Their Hand Hygiene Beliefs and Hand Hygiene Practices. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(4), 957–968.


