A Bibliometric Analysis of Graduate Theses on the Use of Artificial Intelligence Methods in the Field Of Healthcare (2015-2022)

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Artificial Intelligence, Bibliometric Analysis, Graduate Theses, Healthcare, Medicine


In the light of technological developments, great changes have recently occurred in the field of health. These changes have accelerated with artificial intelligence, which we have frequently heard about recently. With the use of artificial intelligence in the field of health, significant gains have started to be achieved in the processes of patients responding to treatment in health institutions. From this point of view, it is possible to say that developments related to artificial intelligence in health institutions will increase more in the future and take more place in human life. Studies on artificial intelligence in the field of health have increased significantly, especially in the last five years. This significant increase has been a matter of curiosity about the methods by which artificial intelligence studies in the field of health are analyzed. With this study, it is aimed to bibliometrically examine the theses published in the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) Presidency Thesis Center on artificial intelligence in the field of health with the determined parameters. The study population consists of 130 master's and doctoral theses published between 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2022. The theses were evaluated in terms of bibliometric parameters according to type, year, language of publication, gender of authors, advisor title, province, university, institute, department, research method, data collection method, page range and keywords used. This study will fill an important gap in the literature on the concept of artificial intelligence in the field of health at the national level and will provide preliminary information to researchers who will conduct studies on artificial intelligence.


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How to Cite

ALP , F., İŞBAY , B., & ÖNER , Özlem. (2023). A Bibliometric Analysis of Graduate Theses on the Use of Artificial Intelligence Methods in the Field Of Healthcare (2015-2022). GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(1), 228–237. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7602783


