Evaluation of Cases Applicable To Adnan Menderes University Between 2018-2019 Alleged That They Have Been Exposed To Sexual Abuse

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Forensic Report, Forensic Medicine, Sexual Offenses, Sexual Abuse, Spiritual Well-Being


Objective: In this study, the sexual abuse cases that applied to Aydın Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine between 2018-2019 were evaluated, and their age, gender, nature of the event, education status, parental living/dead and living together/separated, anamnesis of the victims. The data on the comparison of the examination findings and the time intervals between exposure to sexual abuse and applying to the hospital were examined. Our findings are discussed with similar studies in our country and in the world. Current risk factors related to sexual abuse have been defined and evaluated and it is aimed to benefit the forensic medical process.

Methods: The data of 56 cases obtained as a result of retrospective examination of archive files in Aydın Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine, were analyzed with IBM SPSS V23 according to the relevant literature review and review.

Results: Of the total cases, 11 were men and 45 were women; It was determined that the mean age of male cases was 20.27, and the average age of female cases was 23.42. 47.8% of female cases under the age of 18 were high school graduates or continuing their high school education, 8.7% received special education, and were 18 years old. It was found that the rate of cases who received special education in women over the age of 22 was 22.7%.

Conclusion:  We think that the data on the age, gender, educational status, family characteristics, examination findings and the time intervals to apply to the hospital after the event are necessary in order to minimize the possible problems that may arise later during the legal process and to establish the infrastructure for the necessary legal regulations. In addition, it is thought that appropriate psychosocial support interventions are important in order to raise awareness of the risk factors for sexual abuse in the society and to ensure and maintain the mental well-being of individuals who have been exposed to sexual abuse.


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How to Cite

IŞIK, C., ÖZTUNA, Şeyda, & DİRLİK, M. (2024). Evaluation of Cases Applicable To Adnan Menderes University Between 2018-2019 Alleged That They Have Been Exposed To Sexual Abuse. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 9(1), 117–129. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10721559


