Scales Used in the Surgical Process: A Comprehensive Review

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  • Aylin CAN affiliation
  • Fatma Zehra AKER
  • Dilek AYGIN



Complication, Nursing Care, Operative Process, Risk Management


Aim: This study aimed to review and evaluate common scales frequently utilized by nurses to assess surgical patients.

Methods: The most common symptoms and complications in surgical patients were determined by the authors, and keywords were created. For each symptom and complication, a literature review was conducted on CINAHL, PubMed, Google Scholar, and SCOPUS, and the assessment scales employed in previous studies were examined.

Results: Various scales are utilized at each stage of treatment from the moment of patient's hospitalization to discharge. A comprehensive literature review revealed that the most frequently used scales included pain assessment scales, fall risk assessment scales, nausea-vomiting risk scales, venous thromboembolism risk assessment scales, consciousness status assessment scales, all of which were included in the nurse observation forms.

Conclusion and recommendations: Continuous assessment is of vital importance for patients undergoing a surgical procedure to avoid complications and allow a healthy recovery. Surgical nurses are expected to evaluate patients within the scope of individual care, taking preventive measures for possible complications. For this reason, universally accepted risk assessment scales should be used in institutions, once their validity and reliability have been demonstrated, while risk assessment should be repeated at different stages of the surgical process, and patient-specific care should be planned accordingly.


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How to Cite

CAN, A., ÇELİK YILMAZ , A., AKER , F. Z., & AYGIN , D. (2023). Scales Used in the Surgical Process: A Comprehensive Review. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(1), 106–117.


