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Acute skin reaction, breast cancer, radiotherapy


Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. One of the main treatment methods applied in breast cancer is radiotherapy. Acute skin reactions in the area where radiotherapy is applied adversely affect the patient's quality of life, the continuity of treatment, duration, and adherence to treatment. Skin reactions that start within 2-3 weeks after the start of treatment are often; It manifests itself as erythema, pain, itching, dry and wet desquamation. The most important step in the management of skin reactions is prevention initiatives. Although there is no standard practice for the prevention and treatment of skin reactions, but there are many studies on this subject. In the studies, many products such as steroid-containing creams, Calendula, Trolamine, Hyaluronic Acid, Olive oil, ready-made dressings, etc. were used.


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