A Natural Supplement for Health: Boron Diet (Boron-Rich Diet)

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  • Semra TÜRKOĞLU Fırat Üniversitesi




Boron Diet, Effects on Cancer, Health Benefits


Boron is a trace element that occurs naturally in many foods and is available as a dietary supplement. But boron is not classified as an essential nutrient for humans because research has not yet determined a clear biological function of boron. However, based on popular usage and supporting scientific data, this review discusses its effects on some indications. There are studies showing that boron can be used for many indications such as contributing to wound healing due to its antioxidant properties, building strong bones, treating osteoarthritis, building muscle and increasing testosterone levels, improving thinking skills and muscle coordination, and therapeutic use in some types of cancer. As a result, it has been reported by many studies that dietary boron contributes positively to many metabolic processes in the human body, but it has been determined that more studies are needed for conclusive evidence.


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How to Cite

TÜRKOĞLU , S. (2023). A Natural Supplement for Health: Boron Diet (Boron-Rich Diet). GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(3), 458–461. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8185709


