Missing Nursing Care; A Cross-Sectional Study from The Nurse's Perspective

Nursing, Nursing Care, Unmet Nursing CareAbstract
Aim: This study was conducted with the aim of determining the causes of unmet nursing care and the factors affecting it.
Method: The descriptive study was conducted with 200 nurses who agreed to participate in the study between July and September 2021. Data were collected with Personal Information Form and Unmet Nursing Care Needs Scale. The data were evaluated using the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal Wallis tests, as well as descriptive statistics. Ethics committee approval, institutional permission and written consent of the participants were obtained before starting the study.
Results: Nurses' unmet nursing care total score was found to be 50.60±24. Unmet nursing care needs and the reasons for not being met are the total score averages; workforce resources 5.19±1.90; material resources were 5.40±3.42 and communication/team work 11.05±4.95.
Conclusion: In the study, it was determined that labor resources, material resources and communication/team work, which are the reasons for not meeting the maintenance needs, are below the average. In this direction, it is recommended to create solutions for the maintenance needs that are not met by institutional or in-service training.
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