Assessment of the Correlation between Spiritual Well-Being and Hope Levels of Society during the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID 19, Hopelessness, Hope, Society, Spiritual well-being.Abstract
Objective: In this research, the relationship between society’s spiritual well-being and hope levels of the COVID-19 pandemic process was evaluated.
Methods: The type of research is descriptive and correlational. The research was carried out between 4-17 May 2020. The forms were delivered to individuals online. 722 participants who answered the questions on the form completely were thrown into the research.
Results: The average age of the participants was 27.50±8.31, 77.7% were female and 47% were students. It was found that 82.4% of the participants had sufficient information about COVID-19, 67.7% had taken sufficient personal measures for COVID-19, 90.2% did not have any COVID-19-diagnosed patients in their environment, and 2.5% had friends infected with COVID-19, 26% experienced a sense of fear about COVID-19. Score average of BHS total and sub-dimension was found respectively as; BHS total (5.40±4.48), loss of motivation (2.28±1.71), feelings and expectations about the future (1.10±1.42), and hope (1.76±1.76). SWBS total score average was found as 110.96±17.63. A negative and statistically significant association was found between SWBS with loss of motivation, negative feelings and expectations about the future sub-dimension, and BHS total score averages (p<0.05).
Conclusion: It was found that the hopelessness levels of the society were low and their spiritual well-being levels were good. In addition, it was found that as the spiritual well-being levels of society increased the hope, motivation positive feelings, and expectations about the future levels increased.
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