Adenovirus, acute gastroenteritis, rotavirusAbstract
This study was aimed to retrospectively examine the frequency of Rotavirus and Adenovirus in patients with acute gastroenteritis admitted to our hospital, according to gender, age, and seasons over four years. The results of stool samples were sent to Siirt Training and Research Hospital Medical Microbiology Laboratory between January 1, 2017, and December 31, 2020, with the diagnosis of acute gastroenteritis and analyzed with Rotavirus and Adenovirus antigen tests were evaluated retrospectively. When the stool samples of 16689 patients were examined, it was determined that 2262 (13.6%) of the viral agents detected in 3077 (18.4%) of the patients belonged to Rotavirus and 815 (4.9%) of them belonged to Adenovirus. Adenovirus Rotavirus association was observed in 87 (0.52%) patients. When Adenovirus and Rotavirus positivity rates were examined, it was seen that there was no difference according to gender. Rotavirus was detected most frequently in autumn and Adenovirus in summer, and the difference was statistically significant. In our study, when the distribution of viral antigen positivity rates by age groups was examined; The highest positivity rate was found between 19.6% and 13-24 months for Rotavirus, and between 5.5% and 3-5 years for Adenovirus. Most children have Rotavirus and Adenovirus gastroenteritis by the age of 5 years. In our study, 2030 (89.7%) of 2262 patients with Rotavirus positive and 683 (83.8%) of 815 positive patients for Adenovirus were found under 5 years of age. In our study, it was also observed that Rotavirus and Adenovirus infections were less in 2020 compared to other years. Covid-19 pandemic conditions may have caused this situation. Quickly detecting the presence of viral agents in infectious gastroenteritis can prevent the use of unnecessary antibiotics as well as early initiation of the right treatment.
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